Dog Friendly Beaches in Norfolk

We all loves to go with Pets specially with dogs and in summer the best time to enjoy is around the beach.

In UK there are only some beaches where Dogs are allowed into the beach, Norfolk is a great place where the beaches are clean and maintained properly by the staff. The following are the Dog Friendly beaches in Norfolk and check them twice before visiting to any beach.

Dog Friendly Beaches in Norfolk are only 5

1. Caster Point

The beach is sandy and located nearby great Yarmouth Beach north and south. There are some activities like donkey rides and cafe or restaurant.

2. Cley Beach

Cley Beach
Cley Beach – Source

3. Heacham  – S.Sands Club 

4. Heacham – South Beach

5. Snettisham Beach

This is a list, but clicking on the links you will get full details about these beaches.