Aviation Museums in kent

Aircraft Museums in Kent that are located within city limits. These 4 Museums are interesting to guests and regular visitors since they add more crafts in the museum. Have to day to visit any of the museum.


Total number of aircraft:  Small Museum that has donated Aircrafts  with less than 100 items.
Main attraction(s): V1 flying bomb, P51 Mustangs Spitfires, Parachuting, Wintage Aircraft, B25 Mitchell
Non-aviation attractions: Museum Gift Shop
Adult entry: Free  ( Donations Welcome )
Nearest city: Ashford, Kent
Nearest Railway Station:

Opening Hours: 10:30 AM to 6 PM

Lashenden Air Warfare Museum
Lashenden Air Warfare Museum
Lashenden Air Warfare Museum
Lashenden Air Warfare Museum – Source
Catalina swampin
Catalina swampin
Dutch B25 Mitchell
Dutch B25 Mitchell

2. R.A.F. Manston Museum

Total number of aircraft: Less than 100 Aircrafts with a small museum.
Main  attraction(s): 41 Squadron, Assembly of XR770,
Non-aviation attractions: vehicles and models
Adult entry: £1.50
Nearest city: Ramsgate

Nearest Railway Station:

Opening Hours: 10:30 AM to 6 PM

41 Squadron
41 Squadron
Assembly of XR770
Assembly of XR770

41 Squadron

3. Shoreham Aircraft Museum

Total number of aircraft: Less than 100
Main attraction(s): Junkers 88
Non-aviation attractions: Tea, Garden
Adult entry: Free  ( Donations Welcome )
Nearest city: Sevenoaks

Postcode: TN14 7TB

Nearest Railway Station:

Opening Hours: 10: 00 AM to 5PM

Shoreham Aircraft Museum
Shoreham Aircraft Museum

4. Spitfire and Hurricane Memorial Museum

Total number of aircraft:  Less than 100 Aircrafts
Main attraction(s):
Non-aviation attractions: Raf Attractions, Shopping and Eating
Adult entry: Free  ( Donations Welcome )
Nearest city: Ramsgate

Postcode: CT12 5DF,

Nearest Railway Station:

Opening Hours: 10:30 AM to 6 PM

Spitfire and Hurricane Memorial Museum
Spitfire and Hurricane Memorial Museum
Spitfire and Hurricane Memorial Museum
Spitfire and Hurricane Memorial Museum

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